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There's loads going on for young people at St Augustine's,

Click here to see special events for youth:

Check out our regular events below:


We run a group just for young people at our 9:30am and 11am services, called Ablaze.

We have a great time eating breakfast together, digging into the bible, and praying for God to move.

Ablaze meets at 9:30am on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays of the month. We start off in the service before heading out to our own space.

Ablaze meets at 11am every week of the month. We start off in the service before heading out to our own space.

Young people are also invited to join us for the Evening Service at 6pm every Sunday evening.

There's time for sung worship, teaching, and prayer ministry.


On Tuesdays after school we meet for a group called Alive.

3:30 - 5pm every Tuesday during term time, in the Youth Room

At Alive we hang out, play games, and take up Jesus' invitation to 'Come and see' what faith in Him is like.

Worship School

We have a Worship School for young people, meeting a couple of times each term.

It's a place for young people to come together and learn about worship; it's purpose in church and in our individual lives, and to learn to grow as a community of worshippers who have a role in leading others in sung worship. As part of this we learn and play worship songs.

For more information about the Worship School or to find out when we will next be meeting, please use the contact information below.


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07823 494704

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