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children´s activities at the 11am Service


Our Children's Group at the 11am service is called Flourish and is for children aged 3 and upwards. The group is led by team leaders and helpers, and is held in the Parish Centre in the Upper Mill Room. Teaching in these sessions is based on a different theme each week using a variety of story-telling, games, crafts, worksheets, drama and music. Discussion is encouraged particularly with the older children as they explore their faith. Friendships are built across the group and older children are encouraged to nurture and assist the younger children. At the end of the service, or prior to communion on the 2nd & 3rd Sundays of the month, children are brought back into church, and at the end of the service they do a short presentation to the congregation to show what they have been learning.

Please contact Sarah Welch for further information about Flourish by clicking here.


Consent and registers for all children's groups

We require all parents to complete a consent form prior to their child/children attending a group. This also informs us of any allergies we need to be aware of, should we provide them with a snack during the session.


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